Tuesday 5 April 2016

Symptoms, Prevention, natural way to overcome Sore Throat

Strep throat is usually not a serious illness and is likely to grow by itself. Strep throat occurs due to inflammation of the vocal cords, usually occurs because too often speak, sing or shout, and eating too much spicy food or the weather is not conducive to the body.

Can be caused by streptococcus bacteria. These bacteria are usually transmitted through the air, can be caused by contact with a person who sneezes or coughs. But also through unhygienic food.

Sore throat, or pharyngitis is called, occurs due to bacterial or viral infections such as in the case of colds. Immunity to the newly formed sore throat in adults so the disease is
generally more common in children and adolescents. In addition to pain when swallowing, a sore throat can also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

enlarged glands in the neck
Tonsils / tonsil swollen by inflammation
Muscle ache

How to Reduce the Symptoms
While it can be cured without medication, there are some things you can do to reduce the symptoms:

Avoid smoking. Also avoid smoke-filled environment.
Teens and adults can suck sweets relievers throat.
Avoid irritation of the throat that does not consume beverages or food that is too hot.
Gargling with warm salt water to reduce inflammation of the throat.
Drinking enough water, especially if you have a fever.
Get enough rest so that the immune system is well preserved
Not too often speak in a high tone
Do not over eat spicy food and hot

How the above can be done before there is strep throat. However, if it is already suffering from laryngitis, perform traditional treatments such as:

1. Honey
As we know, honey is very helpful. In this case, honey can be added with lemon to treat strep throat. Lemon here serves to thin the mucus. How: to prepare warm water, then fill in honey and add lemon to taste. Drinking regularly at least three times a day.

2. Ginger
Ginger contains an expectorant that helps remove mucus in the throat so as to aid the throat. Ginger can also increase oxygen to the cells so as to accelerate the healing process. How that is done to treat a sore throat by using ginger is very easy. The trick: prepare knuckles ginger, peel and wash thoroughly. Then crushed ginger, and brewed with warm water and sweetened with honey. When doing this routine, then gradually strep throat will heal.

3. Tea
Tea can also be used to treat strep throat. The way is easy that consumption by using warm water can also be added to honey. For a while, change beverages such as coffee, tea, etc. with this.

So how to cure strep throat naturally with traditional materials which can easily be made may be useful for you. Indeed, a doctor might be better but this approach could be to save costs you, thank you.

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