Saturday 2 April 2016

What are the Benefits of White Tea for Health?

Most people probably already know about the many health benefits of tea, ranging from reducing the risk of clogged arteries, heart disease, and cancer. This is because tea has some great content, one of which is a polyphenol. Polyphenols in tea act as antioxidants.

White tea? Of course you wonder what it is white tea. Because lots of people knew it was just an ordinary tea, tea, chocolate or green tea, but others do not know green tea. Let us know what it is white tea, white tea is the rarest type of tea at once the most expensive in the world, which was initially only consumed by the Emperor of China and a member of the palace since the Tang Dynasty (618-907). White tea is best made only from buds (Supreme Grade) or a bud and two leaves of tea youngest (High Grade) varieties of Camellia Sinensis, a plant area of ​​high mountains in Fujian Province (China), as the place of origin of white tea first (Original) and best-in world.
White tea was first produced from china by just taking the youngest tea leaves and shoots are harvested before actually already in bloom. White tea is grown in the mountains of Fujian as the place of origin of white tea is the best quality in the world. Note also that the so-called white tea because the leaves are picked when the buds are still covered with fine white hair like.

Here are the benefits of White Tea:

1. Prevent cardiovascular system disorders
Besides polyphenols, white tea also contains flavonoids that can minimize the risk of cardiovascular system disorders. Antioxidant compounds that are believed to improve endothelial function and inhibiting the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the blood.

2. Maintaining the stability of the weight
To lose weight need healthy lifestyle such as exercise and a balanced diet. In addition to these two things, you can also add them to drink white tea regularly because; this tea is also beneficial for maintaining body weight remained stable. White tea does not contain a lot of calories.

3. Preventing infection
White tea has anti-bacterial properties that are useful for the immune system. This will make the body avoid the risk of invading microorganisms and bacteria that can cause infection in the body.

4. Maintaining oral health
The combination of compounds called polyphenols and tannins in white tea may help inhibit the growth of some types of bacteria in the mouth.

5. Maintain healthy skin
The high content of antioxidants in white tea may help maintain healthy skin and makes it youthful. In addition, antioxidants can also help protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

6. Preventing damage to the body
Besides being able to prevent organ damage caused by free radicals, compounds called polyphenols in white tea can also prevent peroxide arising from excess toxins in the body.

7. Helps prevent cancer
White tea contains polyphenol compounds that can fight free radicals, and prevent cancer. The damage caused by free radicals, or also known as oxidative stress become one of the important processes of cancer, and the content of polyphenols in white tea is believed to reduce oxidative stress.

8. Lowering insulin resistance
White tea is one of the best drinks for diabetics because it can help reduce insulin resistance and improve the sensitivity of the hormone. This helps to improve blood sugar control for diabetics.

9. Reduce stress and increase energy, content of white tea can soothe, reduce stress and increase energy.

That benefits contained in white tea is safe for consumption by anyone. In the world of health that white tea is recommended to drink as traditional medicine is no doubt usefulness. All the property lots of white tea so you will need to try to health exists and can consume every day because health is expensive not worth the price of white tea. That's some of the benefits of white tea for health, hopefully this article helpful.

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