Wednesday 27 April 2016

How to Eliminate Acne naturally

The natural way to get rid of acne naturally - Who does not know pimples? Probably everyone knows she even hated. Yes, acne is small bumps that usually appear on the face and very disturbing appearance. In addition to making the face look dirty, acne is also very makes people insecure. How can? Acne that appears resulted in black marks that are difficult to remove stains. In addition, pain is also felt if you develop acne.

To get rid of acne and its scars, there are two kinds of chemical and natural ways. Chemistry, using beauty products that are already on the market. But you must be keen to pick beauty products that are good for eliminating acne, rather than adding more weight.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Symptoms, Prevention, natural way to overcome Sore Throat

Strep throat is usually not a serious illness and is likely to grow by itself. Strep throat occurs due to inflammation of the vocal cords, usually occurs because too often speak, sing or shout, and eating too much spicy food or the weather is not conducive to the body.

Can be caused by streptococcus bacteria. These bacteria are usually transmitted through the air, can be caused by contact with a person who sneezes or coughs. But also through unhygienic food.

Sore throat, or pharyngitis is called, occurs due to bacterial or viral infections such as in the case of colds. Immunity to the newly formed sore throat in adults so the disease is

Monday 4 April 2016

For Organs can be very helpful if Cardio Sports

There have been many articles that discuss about the cardio exercises. The positive impact cardio exercise for health, cardio is an abbreviation of the word cardiovascular. Interpreted from the dictionary, 'cardiovascular' has the meaning everything to do with the heart and blood vessels. So, 
cardio exercise is an exercise that aims to improve blood flow and increase your heart rate.

This exercise will involve the movement of large muscles to make it strong. For the heart also has a set of muscles that help him to work. There are some cardio exercises that you can try, such as swimming, biking, hiking, aerobics, running, and walking.

Saturday 2 April 2016

What are the Benefits of White Tea for Health?

Most people probably already know about the many health benefits of tea, ranging from reducing the risk of clogged arteries, heart disease, and cancer. This is because tea has some great content, one of which is a polyphenol. Polyphenols in tea act as antioxidants.

White tea? Of course you wonder what it is white tea. Because lots of people knew it was just an ordinary tea, tea, chocolate or green tea, but others do not know green tea. Let us know what it is white tea, white tea is the rarest type of tea at once the most expensive in the world, which was initially only consumed by the Emperor of China and a member of the palace since the Tang Dynasty (618-907). White tea is best made only from buds (Supreme Grade) or a bud and two leaves of tea youngest (High Grade) varieties of Camellia Sinensis, a plant area of ​​high mountains in Fujian Province (China), as the place of origin of white tea first (Original) and best-in world.
White tea was first produced from china by just taking the youngest tea leaves and shoots are harvested before actually already in bloom. White tea is grown in the mountains of Fujian as the place of origin of white tea is the best quality in the world. Note also that the so-called white tea because the leaves are picked when the buds are still covered with fine white hair like.